Books Of 2018
1 year, 75 books, innumerable ideas
There’s one aspect of reading to make clear up front: I don’t think reading is an inherently better way to spend one’s time than any other activity. People who brag about how many books they read or say “I never watch tv” as if it makes them superior to people who do frustrate me because there is no reason to judge other people for how they choose to live their life.
Reading books is just another way to pass the time and you can waste time reading (see the books at the bottom of this rankings) just as you can watching television. For me, reading is how I spend my commute, get through exercise (listening to audiobooks), and the time right before I fall asleep, but, I don’t think this makes me better than people who watch movies or go out with friends instead. As a good rule, don’t judge people on how they spend their free time as long as they aren’t harming others.
I say this up front because I don’t want this article to sound like “here’s all the books I read which makes me really smart.” I try to write a few sentences about the books I read to process them, fitting them into my existing worldview, or updating my positions as needed (when the facts change, I change my opinions). While these are originally for myself, I’ve cleaned up my notes (you can access the raw version here) and made them public for anyone curious. This is more personal than my usual data science writing, but, comments, criticisms, and discussion is still encouraged here or on Twitter.